The History of Cameron Highlands Malaysia

The History of Cameron Highlands Malaysia

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The History of Cameron Highlands Malaysia Summary

  • Attraction: The History of Cameron Highlands Malaysia
  • Location: Pahang Malaysia
  • Attraction Type: Destination in Malaysia

The History of Cameron Highlands Malaysia from Casa De La Rosa

In 1885, William Cameron, a government Surveyor, discovered a plateau at an alleviation of 4500 – 5600 feet above sea level. He then brought this part of Pahang into history, thus, naming it the Cameron Highlands.

From 1896-1902, the narrow path to the highlands was widened and improved. Meanwhile surveys were carried out to identify the actual plateau in this area. In 1925, Sir George Maxwell paid a visit and it was then decided that the Cameron Highlands, which is situated in the present Tanah Rata and Brinchang areas, be developed into a Hill Station.

Between 1926-1931 this area was zoned into areas reserved for the Department of Agriculture, Township and Residential Sites, Aras of Services, National Park, General Administration and Recreational Areas. After the Japanese occupation, interest to develop further was revived but progress until the 1960s was hindered due to Emergency. After the termination of the Emergency, the Hill Station was carefully developed into a popular resort which not only attracted local tourists but overseas tourists as well.

*Source: Casa De La Rosa Hotel official website

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Contact Casa De La Rosa Cameron Highlands Hotel

Casa De La Rosa Cameron Highlands,
48, Jalan Circular, Tanah Rata,
39000 Tanah Rata, Pahang
Telephone: 05-491 1333
